Miss Idaho's Outstanding Teen 2013

Over the weekend all our titleholders, teen and miss, came together for a weekend of pageantry. On Friday night we held our final Miss local for the year crowning our final two contestants to be competing at state in July. Saturday was mega pageant day! The miss contestants met in the morning for orientation where they learned about paperwork, how the competition would work, plans for production, and all the other details they needed for state. The teen contestants had their state pageants, interview in the morning, on stage portion that night, and a winner crowned before 10 PM! The miss contestants were also there supporting their pageant sisters from the audience.

Congratulations to our 
Miss Idaho's Outstanding Teen Court!

Miss Idaho's Outstanding Teen || Abby Bitzenburg
Hannah Menzner
Macy Urrutia
Sierra Norman
Audrey Powell

Also congratulations to the award winners!

Community Support Winner || Hannah Menzner
Miracle Maker || Taylor Smiddy
Overall Talent Winner || Christina Christensen
Overall Fitness Winner || Macy Urrutia
Overall Interview || Macy Urrutia
Fourpoints Award || Macy Urrutia

 Miss Idaho's Outstanding Teen 2012, Ashley Southern, crowning Abby.
A huge thank you to Miss Southern. She was a perfect titleholder. Beautiful
inside and out, always working hard, and putting her best foot forward. We are
so proud of all she has accomplished and we look forward to seeing what the
future has in store for her!

Top left: Audrey Powell during evening gown
Top right: Kaitlyn Jewkes sharing her talent on the piano
Middle: Nicole Jerome sharing her talent, a ballet hip hop routine
Botom left: Hannah Menzner sharing her talent, a ballet routine
Bottom right: Sarah Foote during evening gown.

Photo credit: Susan Hessing Photography

Girl's Retreat


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