A Weekend in Teton Valley
My big event last week as Miss Idaho was the Teton Valley
Curves open house. I showed up in Driggs at 9 am, ready to workout all day
long! Cat, owner of Teton Valley Curves, showed me around the circuit to give
me a feel the type of workout every lady is getting at Curves. It’s only 30
minutes total, and the hydraulic machines let you control the intensity of your
workout based on how quickly you perform each exercise. At 10am, we had our
largest RE-solution class of the day with about 15 ladies. I helped the coaches
from inside the circuit, motivating each lady to push harder and envision their
end goal. After the workout while the ladies were stretching, I shared a few of
my experiences working towards the Miss Idaho swimsuit competition last June,
and Miss America in January.
Could you see this girl at Miss America some day!? I can!
Two of the ladies I met at the 10am RE-solution class;
It's so fun to see people's reactions when you let them wear the crown and sash!
This is Amy, one of the coaches at Teton Valley Curves who is bilingual
and can help even more ladies reach their fitness goals!
Following the 10 o’clock class, I ran some errands, making
payments and bank deposits for the fitness club, as well as distributing flyers
to people in the parking lot and recruiting them to come to the 2pm or 6pm
classes. I was excited wen Cat from Curves hired me for a contract day job to
do all the marketing for the open house and Curves club in general. It’s always
nice to receive a little compensation for an appearance as well! ;)
On my lunch break, I found a restaurant unique to Driggs
just off Main Street called Wrap ‘N Roll. They catered some of the food for the
open house throughout the day, and I just couldn’t get enough of it! My Curry
Chicken Wrap was heavenly to say the least! If you’re ever passing through
Teton Valley, you ought to stop by. After lunch, I spoke to another group of
ladies at the 2pm RE-solution class, and then headed off to the high school to
speak to the Teton County Distinguished Young Women. The DYW always attracts
such nice girls!!! I had a great time visiting with them, and I even ran into
some of the students that I met back in October when I visited Teton High
School’s choir and band classes. The whole city just has such a homey,
laid-back feel. Gotta’ love Idaho!!!!
I returned back to Curves for the 6pm class, where I met
Teton Valley Curves’ youngest member named Miriam. Throughout the class she
seemed very shy, and she was extremely soft spoken. At the end of the class
when I was packing up my stuff to head home, Miriam pulled me aside and asked,
“Miss Idaho, if it’s not too much trouble, would you mind coming to dinner with
me at my family’s Mexican restaurant?” Talk about heart melting!!! It was such
a sweet end to a memorable day in Teton Valley. So Miriam helped me carry the
rest of my things out to my car, and we headed down Main Street for Hacienda
I was also able to meet Miriam's older sister who was our waitress, and her father who runs the place.
At the restaurant, Miriam's little sister had fun being Miss Idaho for an hour!
Miriam told me that her family’s place was the oldest
restaurant in town. She opened up even more, letting me into her personal life
and future goals. As a girl who loves soccer, she plans to lose 10 pounds in
order for her hip injuries to heal faster so that she will be able to play.
When she loses those 10 pounds, her family has planned a trip to Disneyland!
After we finished our Taco salads, I had the opportunity to meet the rest of
Miriam’s family at the restaurant, and of course we all got pictures together.
Miriam and the rest of her family proved to be some of the most kind-hearted,
generous people I’ve met! Getting to know Miriam over dinner at her family’s
restaurant is one of those sweet memories that I can add to the Miss Idaho
collection and keep with me for the rest of my life. You can bet I’ll be
stopping by Hacienda Cuajimalpa next time I go through Driggs up to Targhee. J
Until Next Week,
Whitney Wood
Miss Idaho 2012