Miss Idaho Amazing Pageant

On February 9th Sarah Downs, Miss Nampa 2013, Megan Wilson, Miss Gem County 2013, and Ashley Smith, Miss Western Idaho 2012, volunteered at the 1st Annual Miss Idaho Amazing Pageant. It is a pageant for women with mental disabilities. Sarah, Megan, and Ashley volunteered for the pageant. They were paired up with a contestant to be their buddy for the day. 
On pageant day all the buddies and contestants for the pageant met up to practice pageant walks and interviews. The interviews were first. Each contestant had a one minute interview with each of the five judges. After that it was lunch time and then show time! There were professional hair dressers and makeup artists to help the girls get ready, and they could wear anything they wanted. Categories were judges interviews, introduction, and evening wear.
Sarah said, "My contestant's name was Cassie Warner... I had a wonderful experience and am so glad I decided to volunteer. I wasn't sure what to expect going in, but everyone had the best attitude and every contestant had the time of their life! I plan on volunteering next year again for sure."

Sarah Downs, Miss Nampa 2013, with her contestant Cassie Warner during practice. 

Sarah Downs, Miss Nampa 2013 | Kaley Sparling, Mrs. Idaho America 2013 | Ashley Smith, Miss Western Idaho 2012

Sarah Downs, Miss Nampa 2013  | Ashley Smith, Miss Western Idaho 2012 | Megan Wilson, Miss Gem County 2013

 Sarah Downs, Miss Nampa 2013, and Megan Wilson, Miss Gem County 2013 with their contestants back stage.

Promoting Healthy Relationships


Pancakes, Pageants, And Preparing for the Future