Miss Idaho 1998

Meet Miss Idaho 1998, Tammy Toney Paul!

Local Title to Compete at Miss Idaho: Miss Southern Idaho

Talent: Operatic Vocal

Platform: Math Literacy

Favorite memory from competing at Miss Idaho: Well, finally winning after many tries was nice. ;) Also, so many of the women I competed with throughout the years became dear friends and still are. I loved all the bonding during rehearsals and appearances. Oh, and Margene’s breakfast potatoes on the early morning with Larry Gebhart. Mmmmmmm!

Favorite portion of the competition: Interview

Favorite memory from competing at Miss America: I was first in competition and was able to change from opening number to swimsuit in 45 seconds. Should I be proud of that? ;)

Favorite memory from being at Miss America: I bonded with Miss Oklahoma and we hung out so much, I started talking with a southern accent. So, after a while I wasn’t allowed to play with her anymore until after interviews.

Did you meet any great friends at Miss America? From where? Yes – Oklahoma, Delaware, Colorado, New Mexico, Arkansas, Hawaii, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Michigan

How has being Miss Idaho influenced your life now? I think it influenced my outlook in life. I find that I approach situations with more confidence and poise. I also feel able to relate to all people, regardless of age, circumstances or status.

What lessons did you learn from competing? It taught me a lot about the importance of perseverance, hard work and believing in yourself.

What part of Miss America do you look forward to today? I like the interview portion, so probably on-stage question.

What was it like being Miss Idaho? Enriching. At times it could be difficult and demanding, but I can honestly say that I enjoyed every minute. I competed for several years before winning the title and I was very proud of the accomplishment and honored to have the opportunity. I was intentional about savoring each appearance I attended and delighting in each person I encountered.

What is one story that you love to tell people about your year as Miss Idaho? As my year was coming to an end, I met a new local titleholder who insisted that I should meet her brother. When you’re Miss Idaho, everybody you meet in every little town wants to introduce you to their brother, son, grandson, nephew, etc. As sweet and flattering as it is, after a while it becomes a bit exhausting. So, when she suggested I meet her brother, I just smiled. Each time I saw her in next couple of months and throughout pageant week, she continued to tell me that I needed to meet her brother. I continued to politely decline. Well, that young lady ended up winning the title of Miss Idaho. Throughout the summer, we talked several times as she prepared for Miss America. She continued to talk about her brother and even invited me to her birthday party hoping to introduce us. I remember thinking, “I’m sure your brother is really great, but you seriously need to drop it.” Just before Miss America, the Miss Idaho board throws a send-off party for the current Miss Idaho. I was encouraged to go and intended to make a quick appearance to wish her a final good luck. When I got to the party, I looked around and spotted a very handsome young man in a green shirt. I found the current Miss Idaho and said, “Is that your brother? I’ll meet HIM!” We have been married for 12 years and have 3 children. :)

Miss Idaho 1993


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