Locals Season
It's that time of year...time to round out the Miss Idaho Class of 2014! In case you're wondering, here are our titleholders so far:
1. Kim Ford - Miss Gem County
1. Kim Ford - Miss Gem County
2. Paige Jensen - Miss Western Idaho
3. Laura Haun - Miss Three Rivers
4. Cynthia Huntsman - Miss Idaho Falls
5. Kayla Jepson - Miss Southeastern Idaho
6. Sierra Sandison - Miss Magic Valley
7. Emma Humphires - Miss Canyon Rim
8. Megan Wilson - Miss Canyon County
9. Katelyn Strobel - Miss Pocatello
10. Kalie Wright - Miss Gate City
11. Carolyn Pace - Miss Boise
12. Kristen Tatilian - Miss Capitol City
13. Morgan Hill - Miss Tri-Counties
14. Emily Hosman - Miss Nampa
Titles Still to Come:
Titles Still to Come:
1. Miss Meridian
2. Miss Treasure Valley
3. Miss Syringa
4. Miss Rexberg
5. Miss Upper Valley
6. Miss Riverview
*If you're interested in competing email missidahoboard@gmail.com*
We only have three local pageants left, and I cannot wait to see what ladies will be competing at Miss Idaho this year. Being able to spend time with the contestants at local pageants as Miss Idaho instead of a fellow competitor has been amazing. I get to relax and get everyone pumped up for each area of competition. One of my favorite parts is helping run the show from backstage...there's just a special feeling you get when you see everything come together as each girl goes from being nervous and shaky to rocking their area of competition. There is no doubt that the Miss America Organization is a launching pad for women's confidence!
Outside of local pageants, I have been busy with appearances. Now that the weather is warming up, I will have the chance to visit farmers' markets around the state and help get people starting on their personal gardens, including my own! The 11-week St. Luke's YEAH (Youth Engaged in Activities for Health) Program is only a few weeks from ending, and I have just started the 6-week Cooking Matters Program with the Idaho Food Bank. I will also be speaking to a class at Boise State on Nutrition, participating in the Speed to Feed Idaho 5K, continuing my nutrition series with the YMCA, starting a 30 day hot yoga challenge, getting some amazing photos taken, making school visits, touring the State Capitol, judging National History Day, attending the Miss New Hampshire pageant, visiting Philadelphia, and much more! Although my year is on the downhill slope, I can go full throttle until the very last day! If any of you have suggestions for appearances or you would like me to speak at your event, please contact me by emailing missidahoboard@gmail.com!
*If you're interested in competing email missidahoboard@gmail.com*
We only have three local pageants left, and I cannot wait to see what ladies will be competing at Miss Idaho this year. Being able to spend time with the contestants at local pageants as Miss Idaho instead of a fellow competitor has been amazing. I get to relax and get everyone pumped up for each area of competition. One of my favorite parts is helping run the show from backstage...there's just a special feeling you get when you see everything come together as each girl goes from being nervous and shaky to rocking their area of competition. There is no doubt that the Miss America Organization is a launching pad for women's confidence!
Outside of local pageants, I have been busy with appearances. Now that the weather is warming up, I will have the chance to visit farmers' markets around the state and help get people starting on their personal gardens, including my own! The 11-week St. Luke's YEAH (Youth Engaged in Activities for Health) Program is only a few weeks from ending, and I have just started the 6-week Cooking Matters Program with the Idaho Food Bank. I will also be speaking to a class at Boise State on Nutrition, participating in the Speed to Feed Idaho 5K, continuing my nutrition series with the YMCA, starting a 30 day hot yoga challenge, getting some amazing photos taken, making school visits, touring the State Capitol, judging National History Day, attending the Miss New Hampshire pageant, visiting Philadelphia, and much more! Although my year is on the downhill slope, I can go full throttle until the very last day! If any of you have suggestions for appearances or you would like me to speak at your event, please contact me by emailing missidahoboard@gmail.com!