Middleton Mayor’s Youth Action Council Meeting | Miss Canyon County

Miss Canyon County, Megan Wilson, spoke about her platform and advocated for the Miss America Organization last month at the Middleton Mayor’s Youth Action Council Meeting.

Megan said, "Mayor Taylor was one of my Miss Canyon County judges and had a lot of great things to say about MAO. He said that there is no other competition like competing in a pageant; being judged and graded, perfecting a talent, staying current on world issues, and being engaged in the community “really is a condensed version of life.

I was invited to speak specifically about my platform, “At-Risk Prevention: Helping Girls Reach Their Full Potential.” We talked about my Dancing Queens program which provides a safe place for preteen girls to have open discussion regarding important teen issues like peer-pressure, self-esteem, and future planning all while learning a hula and Tahitian dance that will be performed at this year’s Cherry Festival."

The 2014 Miss Idaho Judges


World Traveler | Miss Magic Valley