Dancing Queens Program

All of the contestants in the Miss Idaho Organization select a platform to promote during their year of service. It is there way to get involved in the community by sharing something they are passionate about. Megan Wilson, Miss Southwestern Idaho, has a platform of At-Risk Prevention: Helping Girls Reach Their Full Potential. Every year she hosts a program for young girls in the area called Dancing Queens.  It is a self-awareness program for preteen girls where topics like self-esteem, peer pressure, personal wellness, and goal setting are discussed while learning the art of Polynesian dance. Dancing Queens goes throughout the month of April and for their big final event the Dancing Queen girls get to perform and display a booth at Kids Fun Fest May 2. Megan says, "My best memory is from my first season of DQ when my quietest girl wrote me a letter saying I helped her get out of her shell. I get to play big sister to girls from various backgrounds and situations." You can register with Megan by calling 369-3854 or emailing meganwilson1@u.boisestate.edu.

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