Dream Bigger
“What would you do if you knew you could not fail? “ I love that question. Do you know how you would answer it? I am a pretty logical thinker, so when I first heard this question it flip-flopped my entire thought process. Logic was forced to take a seat, and my mind was allowed to dream.
You are capable of incredible things. Do you know that? You were born with a one-of- a-kind personality and the gifts and talents to match. You were placed exactly where you were meant to be. You were created on purpose and for a purpose. Often we tend to stick ourselves in a box. One that seems safe and doable. You, my friend, were made for so much more than doable. You were made for the impossible. You were put on this plant to exceed expectations – to discover, share and design.
If we stick to what is logical we’ll miss out. I’m a tomboy at heart. I love wearing denim and boots and prefer to be outside. I have a naturally competitive spirit and I am thankful to be a more of a tough cookie. When I decided to do pageants I was told I “walked like a boy” and I had no idea that there was a certain way to “do your makeup”. I’m sharing this because I did not logically appear to be someone who would get to grace the Miss America stage someday. Over my three
years of competing there were a lot of people who told me I couldn’t, shouldn’t and wouldn’t. I am so glad I did not listen to them!
Step outside of your box. Dream bigger! I always know I am moving in the right direction when a dream gives me those big deer in the headlights look. You know the ones where you are thinking, “How in the world am I ever going to pull that off?” Do it. Chase after it. Dreams move with us. They grow and evolve just as our hearts do. You are capable of incredible things. Focus, work hard, and as I like to say…brush off the haters. You can do this!
Lots of love,
Miss Idaho 2017
Taylor Lance