Miss Idaho Organization Miss Idaho Organization

Book Drive

Recently Miss Pocatello, Sierra Sandison, put together an event to promote literacy. Everything from a day of reading and fun to a book drive in Pocatello.

She partnered up with the Portneuf District Library for April and May. To kick it all off they worked together to have a Dr. Seuss party at the library. Sierra said, "We started by having story time, and I read a few Dr. Seuss books aloud to the kids! Then we let the kids do various activities that were set up all over the library. We had a "One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish" game, where the kids "fished" for prizes, a craft where they made Dr. Seuss bookmarks, free balloon animals provided by "Totally Twisted Balloon Animals", a snack table, face painting, and then a photo op place with Miss Pocatello, the Cat in the Hat, and Things 1 and 2!"

Everyone that came was asked to bring a book to donate to start off a book drive.They will have donation boxes set up for the next month. Additional drop off locations include Marigold's Event Center, and also Kiwi Loco. Kiwi Loco will give anyone who donates a used book a discount off their frozen yogurt!

If you are starting your spring cleaning and have books to donate, stop by one of the locations listed above.
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