Michael Strickland Michael Strickland

Crowning Moments

One of the most exciting part of the pageant is to see that crowning moment. After months and sometimes even years of preparation  you got to see that moment of sheer excitement and shock as women gets to wear the crown! Did you see Mallory Hagan when she was crowned Miss America?

The thing that is so beautiful about this Miss America Organization isn't the woman up front being crowned, but the women in the back. Do you see their reactions? They are so happy for Mallory! Well we are so happy for the young women we have competing at Miss Idaho this year. So here are a few crowning moments from this year's locals.

Would you like your own crowning moment? We would love to have you compete in one of our locals and then at state. Upcoming pageants are:

Miss Canyon County || March 2nd
Miss Rexburg || March 9th
Miss Meridian || March 22nd & 23rd
Miss Riverview || March 29th

Email missidahoboard@gmail.com for more information || Subject: Become a Contestant

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