Our end of the season traditional Local Sweeps Competition will now be an online Local Digital Competition.
Candidates will submit a Resume, Social Impact Initiative Statement, Introduction Video and a Video of themselves performing their Talent to be evaluated and scored by our panelists. Candidates will then participate in a Private Interview with our panelists via Zoom.
Our new Digital Local Titleholders will receive a Local Title, Official Local Sash, and will compete for the title of Miss Idaho in June in Idaho Falls, ID.
Open to those that have competed during the 2022-2023 season as well as those that would like to compete for the first time.
Candidates must be at least 19 years of age as of December 31, 2022, but no older than 26 years of age as of December 31, 2022.
Candidates must live, attend school, or work full time in the State of Idaho.
Candidates are required to register with the Miss America Organization to compete this season and pay a once per season $35 registration fee.
Candidates are required to submit the following items online no later than NOON on Sunday, April 3, 2022.
Resume – The resume may be no more than two (2) pages in the style/format the candidate feels best reflects interviewing for the job of the local titleholder and possibly Miss Idaho. Resume must be submitted as a PDF document.
Social Impact Initiative Statement – The SII statement may only be one (1) page and must be in a specific format and submitted as a PDF document. Click HERE to download the detailed instructions for formatting the SII Statement.
Introduction Video – You will need to submit a link to a video that introduces yourself to the panelists. Intro videos must not exceed 30 seconds.
Talent Video – You will need to submit a link to a video of you performing your talent. Talent videos must not exceed 90 seconds.
For the videos, horizontal/landscape videos work best but not mandatory. The video links must not require any login or password to view.
Eligibility to Compete Acknowledgement Form – This is a one-page form that you will need to sign to acknowledge you meet the eligibility requirements. Click HERE to download the form.
Once we have received all submissions, we will notify you on Wednesday, April 13, 2022 the specific time for your 10-minute Private Interview on Saturday, April 16, 2022. All interviews should take place sometime between 10:000 AM and 3:00 PM.
You will also receive a unique Zoom Link for your interview session.
Our panelist will gather together on Saturday, April 16, 2022 to evaluate and individually score the items submitted. The panelists will also be together for the Private Interview with each of the candidates.
Our panelists score the items submitted and private interview from 1 to 10 with 1 being the low and 10 being the high. The individual phases and percentages are as follows;
Introduction Video & Resume – 15%
Social Impact Initiative Statement – 15%
Talent Video – 35%
Private Interview via Zoom – 35%
Your only specific time commitment is the 10-minute interview with the judges. All other scoring will be done based the items you submit online.
We will schedule a specific time on Saturday, April 16, 2022 sometime between 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM for candidates and their families to join a Zoom Call for the Announcements of our First Digital Competition Titleholders.
Our new Digital Titleholders will be assigned a Liaison to answer any questions regarding the Miss Idaho State Competition and assist with the required paperwork.
All Titleholders are required to complete and submit the Full Candidate Agreement by April 30, 2022. Click HERE if you would like to download and review the Candidate Agreement.
All Titleholders are required to register on the MAO site for the Miss Idaho State Competition and pay a $325 registration fee by June 11, 2022.
Saturday, February 26th – Accepting online submissions for Digital Competition
Sunday, April 3, 2022 - 12:00PM – Deadline for submitting information, maximum of 18 candidates *
Wednesday, April 13th – Candidates notified of Private Interview schedule and announcement of titles to be awarded
Saturday, April 16th – Digital Competition Day as follows;
Panelists evaluate and score information submitted online
Candidate Interviews between 10:00 AM and 3:00 PM
Announcements of Digital Titleholders, sometime between 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM
* Our deadline will close when we have received 25 completed submissions or at Noon on April 3, 2022, which ever comes first.
The more candidate submission we receive the more titles we can award!
If you have any question regarding the new digital competition, please email digitalcompmissidaho@gmail.com or you may call Heidi Brendle at 208-680-9830.