
Confidence. Confidence is knowing you're enough. It's knowing that you can accomplish anything you set your mind to. And it's realizing that when you have faith in your abilities anything is possible. 

Sometimes we all fall victim to insecurities and comparisons. We say to ourselves why can't I do more or be like them? It is with these thoughts the we lose our ability to move forward with confidence. Always remember you are enough, your doing your best, and your are the best "you" out there.  

In the Miss America Organization I am constantly striving to become a better version of myself but this doesn't mean that I am not confident in who I already am. I remind myself that I am stepping out the door each morning to make my mark on the world. Sometimes having confidence is easier said then done. But sometimes you just have to believe in yourself, close your eyes and have the confidence to throw your penny into the fountain. It is with these silent dreams and wishes that your confidence finds a voice. 

Kylee Solberg- Miss Idaho 2016  


Everyone Needs a Little #Inspiration


Kylee Solberg Crowned Miss Idaho 2016