Everyone Needs a Little #Inspiration

"Successful mother are not the ones that have never struggles. They are the ones that never give up despite the struggles." - Sharon Jaynes

Let me begin by saying throughout my year as Miss Idaho, I want people to see who I really am and for you all to understand that I don't live a "perfect life" just because I wear a crown. I have gone through personal struggles, an awkward growth spurt, and the dreaded years of braces just like everyone else. I also come from a broken home. I have learned a lot over my 21 years of life and owe much of this to one of my inspirations, my mother. My mom, Raine, is one of the most selfless people I know. As a single parent, I can't imagine the difficulties and times of struggle she experienced. My sister and I grew up being raised by someone that demonstrated what being strong , independent, and hardworking woman looked like. I strive to embody her characteristics and become the woman she inspired me to be.

With this, thank you Mom for supporting every endeavor I've ever set my mind to. From cheering in the stands at basketball games, to sewing my pointe shoes still to this day, I wouldn't be accomplishing all that I am, if I didn't have you. I know it hasn't always been easy but I hope you can look at me and see that you have inspired me to reach for my dreams.

What or who inspired you?

-Kylee Solberg Miss Idaho 2016         


Don't boast. Don't complain. Don't hate. Just, be kind.

